Pani Krysiu,
za cholere nie wiem jak wstawić na forum taki link żeby film z internetu wyswietlał się jako mały obrazek w liście i żeby wbudowany był w list i dał się odtworzyć nie jako link zewnętrzny. Tak sie da na stronie internetowej zrobić. No nic. Przeklejam ze strony:
Edward Kłosiński – Director of Photography
Five percent of the action of the Persona non Grata movie takes place in Uruguay. At the moment, we are in the last phase of filming in Uruguay. Prior to this, we were working for four weeks partly in Russia and partly in Poland. For production reasons, we had to schedule it like this. The interesting thing for me is whether we will manage to synthesize these three countries into one. When I was taking pictures in Moscow I did not know if the day we would be taking sticking pictures with what I did inside will be sunny in Uruguay. for instance. On the other hand, the fact that I have already been to Uruguay was very helpful to me. I saw and more or less understood the difference between that country and ours in relation to light. So I hope that I will manage to solve this problem. We will cooperate with three different teams. In Russia we were served, so to speak, by Russian lighting crews. In Poland, I worked with people I always collaborate with but in Uruguay I'll be teaming up with the Uruguayan group 90% of the time. This experience of working with several different teams in different countries helped me to realize, to my surprise, that we are all the same.
Filmik jest tu:
przyjacielsko ściskam w talii (nie za mocno, zostawiam miejsce na oddech)